Monday, November 30, 2009

Read Write Think

 Registration: No registration is required for Read Write Think. One simply needs to create a title, subtitle and provide the name of creator to start creating. 

Background: There are 8 backgrounds provided on this comic creator. All ranging from city scene to various landscape captions. All backgrounds are black and white and are simple in presentation.

Body Language: There are 17 character templates with varying pre-set emotions and gestures. Changing the skin tone or hair of the characters is accomplished by clicking on the "+" below the template. This can only be done when the character is placed in the panel.

Clothing: Clothing is simplistic. There is no selection and the characters come in whatever clothing they are wearing.

Devices: There are no action lines provided however, there are quite a few sound words included in the speech balloon section of the comic creator.

Lettering: Lettering is one font and one size.

Speech Balloons: There are several types of speech balloons. There are several styles of thought balloons such as left side, right side and even one thought balloon that has two tails. The balloons have limited space for lettering

Gutters: Gutters are non-existent on the screen and can only be seen when the comic is printed.

Panels: Panels are uneven to convey the feeling of an actual drawn page. Although a user can pick a number of panels, there is never a moment when all number of panels are presented. There is no page that allows the user to see the finished product of all panels connected. The only way to view all panels is to print the comic.

Focus: There is no focus opportunity presented in this comic creator. Characters can only be moved from side to side, no aspects of the backgrounds can be spotlighted and the speech balloons cannot be scaled.

Stereotypes: Background, people, and animals are all stereotypical.

Accessibility: Access is incredibly limited, and the created comic can only be developed with the use of "grabbing" the image (MAC), uploading it into iPrint, changing the TIFF format into JPG and downloading it to whatever desired Internet net source.

Intended User: This comic creator is intended for children. This comics is very basic, so teachers or librarians could use or recommend this comic creator to pre-school children.

Summary: The creativity, flexibility and accessibility is somewhat lacking. Sponsored by the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English, this comic creator does them discredit and its presence could be mis-interpreted several ways. Unintentionally, they are placing little  importance in the use of comics as reading material for children. Considering how extensive and well endowed their home site is, their comic creator is inappropriate and unprofessional. One might consider whether the comic creator should be a part of their site.

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