Monday, November 30, 2009


Comics are becoming a part of everyday life. They are no longer cornered off in the children's section of bookstores and libraries. This visual sequential art is gaining momentum as media and pop culture take a hold of it and explore the present world through this paradigm. Outside the media, teachers and librarians  are the professionals that are asking the tough question of, "what can we do with this medium in our field?" Comics are not just for reading in the classroom, but can be used to illustrate a lesson and supplement the overall curriculum. In libraries, the main activity of comics, for the most part, is being read. However, libraries are beginning to find methods to explore comics beyond reading, and one way that this can be accomplished is through online comic creators.

For those that lack the artistic talent, some comic creators allow for comic creation without lifting a pen. Quick, easy and manageable, comic creators are one way to introduce all age groups to topics, interests, or issues through the use of comics. Aside from the 8 comic creators that are presented, there are plenty more that can be found. As is mentioned at the beginning, the presentation and review of comic creators is based on the "Reading the Pictures" lecture notes of LIS 518, and that several topics were purposely missed. The topics of text, duration and time and perspective look more at a created comic rather than the tools of creating the comic. Whereas the topics chosen play a significant or minor role in the creation of a comic.

Comic creators not only introduce people to comics in general but also open the path to other hobbies, habits and interests in the comic world.

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