Monday, November 30, 2009


Registration: Creating a user account is necessary to use Pixton. However, reading the comics that are created by other users does not require registration.

Background: Pixton offers a decent selection of backgrounds. The bonus that comes along with the back grounds is the movability of the various objects in the environments. For example, mountains, trees, buildings and shading can be placed about and scaled. The user could also change the color of any object that is provided in the chosen background.

Body Language: Body language is explored in depth in this comic creator. The user can create their own character from scratch or randomly select from characters already created by other users. In both cases, the body can be shaped in anyway to convey the story or message of the comic strip. An extensive list of pre-made action postures are provided or the creator can create the character's posture by moving the body, legs, arms, feet, hands or head. However, the expressions provided for the face are not as diverse as Bitstrip's selection and facial detailed is simplistic.

Clothing: There is a decent selection of clothing but are limited to tops, bottoms and shoes. There is very limited patterns within the clothing. The clothing moves in whatever direction the body goes or is doing. Accessories such as jewelry, hats and facial wear are reasonable. The color palette for the clothing is quite extensive and helps with creating differences between characters.

Devices: Pixton has some devices. It has the regular speed lines and than a few addition effects such as speed lines that come in the shape of flames and a dizzy effect that can be used to give different meanings.

Lettering: Lettering flexibility comes in 8 font types, bold, underline and italic feature. When the cursor is placed over the sample, the font in the balloon changes. When the user has decided which font he/she wants, they than click on the chosen font.

Speech Balloons: The speech balloons in this comic creator can easily move about the screen. Rather then providing a visual selection of different balloon types (based on the curve or sharpness of the corners), two scales are provided below the panel that increases/decreases the balloon size and sharpen or curve the corners. The only bubbly thing about the bubble balloon is the bubble(s) that connect the balloon to the character. There are no narrative balloons. The title above the comic is limited to 35 characters. All narration is accomplished through speech or though balloons.

Gutters: Gutters are a basic thin white strip between the panels in this comic create.

Panels: Panels selection is quite creative in Pixton. A creator can choose a template of pre-made panels set with characters and background (which also can be changed), or create from scratch. The creation of panels in this comic creator is unique. A box is provided where the story takes place. The box can be stretched to cover three panels, or separate panels of three can be added with the click of a button.

Focus: Focus is easily accomplished with this comic creator. The characters can be brought to the for front or placed to the back, and the same methods also apply to the background with its objects (example: mountain scenery, mountain moved from side to side, made larger or smaller, color changed, etc). Objects and characters can also be tilted left or right. If the user just wanted to tilt the entire frame left or right, there is a small button at the base of the panel to do so.

Stereotypes: There are not many stereotypical templates provided by this comic creator although many of the users do create their own within their comic strips.

Accessibility: Pixton comics have embedded coding that can be transfered but there is no suggestion anywhere to link to an outside social networking site.

Intended User: The intended user is adult and teens. The use of this comic creator would be to the teacher's discretion. Librarians could use this comic as a creating stories activity for their teen group, posting a weekly comic to the library website to discuss topics or issues.

Summary: The flexibility, creativity and the easy access to and about the site makes this comic creator a great entry for a user into the comic world. By tapping into the reservoir of other user comics, a user can see the extent to which Pixton can be used.

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